Ten Weird Ads from History

Ten of the Craziest Food Advertisements from History

Advertisers have always appealed to our needs. Happiness, Sophistication, Elegance, Love, Belonging... but how exactly do you sell someone a food processor by making them feel loved? Well, advertisers are very good at this! They have been good at this for a long time. Sometimes it's obvious which emotional string they are pulling, but sometimes...

1. The Universal Food Chopper (1899)

UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPER: Among the animals and vegetables it "chops" are chickens, turkeys, carrots, coconut, apples, clams, fish, potato, celery, bread, lobster, crackers, beef, cauliflower, onions, sheep, cabbage, and pork.
Yeah I have no idea what string is being pulled here!

2. Bovox (1895)

BOVOX: An essence of beef Makes real strength
It's a bit more clear on this one... but this is a family-friendly site!

3. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves (1895)

NEW PERFECTION: They'll Make You Happy, Too
In case you are curious about the wording in the ad, here it is:

"Every meal deliciously cooked, and your kitchen's always comfortable - with the dependable New Perfection Oil Cook Stove.

Steaming hot water day and night for your kitchen, laundry and bath - with the New Perfection Kerosene Water Heater. And the secret of New Perfection satisfaction is the Long Blue Chimney Burner. It is ready to use the instant you light it - turns every drop of kerosene oil into clean intense heat and drives it full force, directly against the utensil. And the flame stays where you set it- without smoke or odor. The burners are brass and last for years.

More than 3,000,000 housewives now use New Perfection Cook Stoves. They are sold by all good dealers. Get a New Perfection Oven too - it bakes perfectly."

Pulling on my insecurities about being an inadequate cook... ouch!

4. Lorings Fat-ten-u (1895)

LORINGS FAT-TEN-YOU: Get fat on Lorings Fat-ten-you and Corpula Foods
Um, sure...

5. International Baking Powder (1885)

INTERNATIONAL BAKING POWDER: Tom's nap interrupted by International baking powder
This one is not exactly "weird," but it would not be made today. It's still cute.

6. Mazola Cooking Oil (1921)

MAZOLA COOKING OIL: Every young girl's ambition - to make a perfect pie
In case you are curious about the wording in the ad, here it is:

"The finest pie crust is easy to make. Those interested should read this carefully and understand the art of pie making.
SOME PEOPLE still think that the making of flaky, delicate, and easily digested pie crust is an art. Perhaps it used to be. Today even the inexperienced girl can make the finest pie crust. Only two things are necessary. A good recipe-which is given here. And Mazola-which is sold by all grocers. Mazola is so readily adapted to pie crust making that even those who first try it are assured of flaky, tender crusts.

The liquid form of Mazola, and the fact that it is 100% pure, highest grade vegetable oil, are in a large way responsible for the satisfactory results. Crusts are too tough or too short in many cases. This is due to the inaccurate measuring bound to occur when hard fats are used. With Mazola you can measure the amount needed exactly.

Equal to butter at half the price — better than lard

Ordinary cooking fat that many people use quickly absorbs moisture from the fruit juices. It keeps the crust from getting the full cooking value from the heat. So, by the time the top crust and the filling of the pie are baked, the bottom and side crusts are still under-done. This is one of the reasons why Mazola has the largest sale of any cooking oil, and why good cooks prefer it for pies, pastries and all cooking purposes. And quite as interesting as the perfect result, is the economy of Mazola. You use 14 to 13 less Mazola than of lard or other fat. Because Mazola contains no moisture.

Make this demonstration yourself tonight - easily accomplished

Get a can of Mazola from your grocer today and try this recipe for perfect pie crust:
2 cups flour, 1/2 cup Mazola, Pinch of salt, Ice water
Work Mazola well into the flour and salt, add enough ice water to hold together (about 1/4 cup) and roll out at once. 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Powder may be added if desired."

Again, playing with my feelings of inadequate housekeeping skills?? In this case, they are not wrong - I can not make a decent pie crust.

7. Tea-Ette (1902)

TEA-ETTE: The new and sudden terror that confronts the gentler sex today - the evil of excessive tea drinking.

8. Quaker Oats (1913)

QUAKER OATS: 125,000,000 explosions inside every grain
Oh pooh, I already used my laughter on the previous one.

9. Kellogg’s Cereal (1916)

KELLOGG'S CEREAL: The clear skinned, keen-eyed, athletic boy of today is fully alive to the wonderful flavor of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes
This one is pretty tame. Scroll down.

10. Kellogg’s Cereal (1915)

KELLOGG'S CEREAL: He's a Live wire...
And I leave you here, with the image of little scary Johnny enjoying his breakfast.
Go eat something!


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